Exclusive distributor of J Beverly Hills, Elgon, and Freyja professional beauty products.
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Created from nature's purest ingredients and organically derived compounds, J Beverly Hills controls the brand quality by developing its formulations in-house and manufacturing its innovative products at our state-of-the-art industrial and environmentally responsible facility. Shop the all four of the J Beverly Hills collections below.
Elgon is the brand for professional hairdressers that creates the best customizable products to enhance the uniqueness of people. After 50 years, our mission remains that of working alongside salons as they grow.
Inspired by the strength, beauty, timelessness and natural power of the Nordic wilderness and with a passion to bring the most premium quality CBD products into the beauty industry, Freyja CBD Treatment is the realization of years of research, development and relentless effort. Try our line of CBD salon products today.