Making Your Wash Last

Washing your hair everyday can get tedious and matter of fact, it's actually bad for your hair. We have previously talked about frequency of washing and how too often can strip your scalp's natural oils and lead to increased oil production. Here, we are going to take a look at how to get a day or two more between when your hair washes. 


Though ponytails are very popular for working out or just to toss back during activity, when you take it out you have that big bump which is exaggerated when sweat is added into the mix. If you are trying to minimize the amount of times you wash your hair, play around with twist buns and braids. These styles are easier on your hair and when you take them down, leave you with waves and movement that mimic an intensely styled do. 


We are not advocating for a less active lifestyle, instead a more planned out one. If you must attend an event later, but time won’t permit a full shower, wash, and style, don’t take a hot yoga class or run a marathon. Planning your day and activities is a way to work with your hair and body. Do your daily chores and then work out. This is a great way to minimize the feeling of needing to shower and will provide you with a reason to really wash your hair.


A funny way to say a quick showe. As mentioned you do not need and should not wash your hair every time you shower. Instead, if you are hopping in and your hair is a little funky, run some water through and apply a light conditioner to the ends. This will help with cleansing your scalp gently and reintroducing nourishment and hydration to your hair strands. Birdbaths are a great way to lengthen the time between shampoos, which takes us to our final tip.


Using the proper products can help your wash last. While dry shampoo is the not so secret secret to hair longevity, having the proper wash and rinse products also makes all the difference. If you are using too heavy a shampoo or conditioner, you may feel it build up on your hair. This can encourage you to wash sooner. Instead, when our hair is happy with the products we use, it doesn't have to work as hard to support itself. By this we mean producing more oil or stopping oil production all together. Take a look at our many wash and rinse duos to see which might work for you!

Hopefully you have found some of these tips helpful. Visit us online to check out our incredible products as well as other blogs on how to keep your hair happy and healthy!
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