Bringing some clarity to clarifying

Everyone suffers from greasy, flat hair sometimes. Though most believe it to be because of an extra oily scalp, it could be due to product build up! That is where a clarifier comes in and J Beverly Hills Blue has got the one for you. Formulated with lime blossom, coconut, and thyme extract, this product will leave your hair feeling lighter and refreshed! Now, let us get into how this works.

What is clarifying?

Just as you exfoliate your skin, you can exfoliate your hair. Clarifying is the process of stripping the hair and scalp of impurities such as chlorine, hard water minerals (calcium and magnesium) and other products. Though we love our styling products and finishing oils and serums, they leave residue that builds up over time. This can leave the hair feeling gunky and weighed down. We recommend using the B Clarifier once a week to help restart your scalp and hair strands. Similarly to a regular shampoo, scrub between your hands activating the suds and then massage into your scalp; let it sit for one minute. Clarify your hair weekly and not as an everyday remedy for an oily scalp. If you have color processed hair be careful with your frequency of use; there is potential to strip some of the gloss or dye away. After you have let it sit for a minute, rinse out, apply conditioner to your ends, and finish your normal routine.

Using a clarifier effectively refreshes your hair, giving you a deeper clean than your everyday shampoo. We are now going to break down the wonderful oils and extracts in the B Clarifier and see how exactly they remove build up while also moisturizing and smoothing your hair.

Lime Blossom

The lime blossom, also known as the linden flower is an incredible cleansing agent for your hair. While cleansing, it also encourages circulation in the scalp and works to reduce any irritation. This valued ingredient has healing properties beyond helping our heads. Linden flower tea has been called the “nectar of kings” for its many other health benefits. 

Coconut Oil

Commonly used as a body moisturizer, coconut oil also helps to seal the hair strand. Post exfoliation, adding moisture and sealing the refreshed cuticle helps your clean last!

Thyme Extract

All of the stimulation to your scalp and hair strand needs to be balanced out, that’s where thyme comes in. A wonderful component in the B Clarifier, thyme extract encourages new growth as well as actively prevents hair loss.

Now equipped with the knowhow on clarifying your hair, visit us today to grab the B Clarifier!
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