How to Be the Best Stylist Possible

Becoming a hairstylist is a great and rewarding career, whether you’re starting your own salon or working for someone else. You’re able to help people achieve the look they’ve wanted for years and give them a sense of just how beautiful they really are during each appointment. But being a great hair stylist requires more than just know-how and skill. There are a few key things you can do that will set you apart from other stylists in your area. Here are a few important tasks that your professional salon supply experts want you to keep in mind as you grow your business.

Listen to Your Clients
Unfortunately, some stylists always think they know better than their clients. And while the cuts and treatments they may offer could be better than what their clients wanted, those same clients may end up leaving their appointments feeling disappointed. Take the time to listen to your clients and discuss what they’re looking for during each appointment. If you think another style would be better suited to their needs, voice that concern. But listen to what they say in response. If they’re still sold on a specific look, you may be better off doing what they want rather than what you believe would better serve them.

Use High-Quality Tools and Products
Using high quality tools and products, like J Beverly Hills Blue, will make every appointment more enjoyable for your clients. Remember, high-quality products and tools create better styles and can improve the look and texture of your clients’ hair. If you’re using lower-quality products, your clients may be less impressed with your services and could end up looking elsewhere for future appointments.

Take Your Time
The more clients you can take on each day, the more money you can make. But focusing on increasing your client count can backfire. The more clients you have, the more tempted you’ll be to rush through each appointment. This can leave clients feeling like you don’t care or don’t have enough time for them. 

Instead of rushing, take your time during each appointment. This will ensure that you’re giving your clients the best quality cut and style possible. But more importantly, it can convey to your clients that you value them. When your clients feel valued, they’ll be more likely to keep coming back in the future.

Invest in Continuing Education
New techniques and products are being developed all the time. Use this to your advantage and invest in continuing education as you establish yourself as an expert stylist. By taking the time to learn new techniques, you’ll show your clients that you’re up to date on all of the latest trends they’ve heard of. Even better, you’ll learn new skills that you can use to grow your business and increase your offerings. This can help you inspire more repeat appointments and help you stand out from other stylists who may not offer as many services as you do.

Stock Up on the Best Tools
Making sure you have the right tools and equipment to give your clients the experiences they’re looking for is essential to your long-term success. At Professional Salon Concepts, we’re proud to have a wide selection of professional-grade high-quality tools and product lines that are sure to delight your customers. Register for a free account and place your order today.
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