Should You Offer Loyalty Programs at Your Salon? Yes!

Finding ways to make your salon stand out can be tough. And though offering great experiences and using high-quality products like hair treatments and color from J Beverly Hills can help you set yourself up for success, it’s not always enough to keep your customers coming back time and time again. That’s why many salons offer loyalty rewards programs to their repeat customers, giving them certain rewards in exchange for coming to a pre-determined number of appointments. But should you offer a rewards program? Here are a few reasons why incorporating one into your salon’s operations may be worth the effort.

Loyalty Programs Can Boost Profits
Loyalty programs don’t offer rewards for free. They offer customers rewards in exchange for coming to multiple appointments. By offering a rewards program, you’re encouraging your customers to come back to your salon multiple times. This can help you boost your profits and gives you multiple opportunities to sell additional products to your clients after their appointments. 

The rewards you offer should be small compared to the amount of money your customers are effectively bringing in by scheduling several appointments in a row. 

Rewards Can Keep Customers From Going to Competitors
These days, customers are always looking for a deal and that means they’re willing to go to your competition if they think it’ll save them a few dollars. But with a loyalty rewards program that rewards clients and customers for repeat business, you can discourage them from going elsewhere. If they don’t make and attend multiple appointments at your salon, they won’t earn the rewards. And those rewards may seem like a greater savings than what your competitors offer.

It Shows Your Customers That You Value Them
Ultimately, salons need to show their customers that they value their support. It’s how you’ll keep customers coming back and feeling like your team values them as an individual rather than seeing them as nothing more than a walking dollar sign. Rewards programs can help you convey that value. You’re effectively saying that you value their support so much that you’re willing to offer them a discount, a free product, or a free treatment, depending on the structure of your program. This can create a sense of goodwill and may encourage your customers to recommend your salon to their friends and family.

What Rewards Should You Offer?
You’re free to offer whatever rewards you wish based on your target client and your salon’s services. But many salons see success with offering discounts on products, discounts on future appointments, or even free appointments. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something your business can afford. Remember, the reward doesn’t have to be huge. It just has to make your customers feel valued.

With More Rewards Comes More Business
Rewards programs can and should help you generate additional repeat business. And the more appointments you schedule, the more haircare products you’ll need to have on hand. Make sure you’re stocked up on everything you need to provide your clients with the best experience possible. Register for an account or log in today and place your order now.
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