How to Display Your Retail Products

Though haircuts, coloring appointments, and styling sessions will likely always be the backbone of your business, selling high-quality haircare products in your salon can help diversify your sources of income. But making sure those products catch your client’s attention whenever they walk in for an appointment can be tough if you’ve never built a retail display before. Here are a few tips to help you create a display that’s eye-catching enough to encourage your clients to buy the products you use in your salon so they can have healthier, stronger hair between appointments.

Make Them Visible and Accessible
While you can set up a display anywhere in your salon, it’s best to do it in a place that’s highly visible and accessible. Most salon owners find that setting up the display in the waiting area is the best option. Doing so lets your clients check out the products before their appointment and make a purchase when they’re paying at the reception desk afterwards. 

Make sure there’s space around the display for customers to check the items out in detail. That means the shelves should be clear and not tucked behind chairs or behind the reception desk. 

Group Products By Collection
Your display needs to be organized. Remember, your clients aren’t going to be able to tell the difference between a bottle of conditioner and a bottle of rejuvenating hair mask just by the shape of the container. Try to group like products with like. For example, if you’re featuring several products from the J Beverly Hills Platinum collection, put them together on the same shelf. Then, stock products from other collections together on their own shelves. This will make it easier for your clients to purchase the products you recommend before they leave.

List Your Prices
It might seem counterintuitive, but listing your prices can make it easier to sell your haircare products. By making the prices visible to your customers, they’re able to browse and make selections without having to ask one of your staff for more information. This makes them feel more empowered and less like an imposition on your busy reception team. When customers feel more comfortable, they’re more likely to make a purchase. 

Use Lighting to Your Advantage
Lighting can make all the difference in your display. When you illuminate your retail products, you draw attention to them. Customers will naturally be drawn to look at your selection and may end up wanting to buy something before you even get them in your chair. If you have tons of natural light, try to place your shelf along a wall that receives plenty of bright, indirect light. Also, add overhead task lights to illuminate the shelving well. This way, you’ll always have a clear and visible display even if it’s overcast outside. 

Stock up on the Supplies You Need
Now that you know how to build an eye-catching retail product display, you’ll want to make sure you have all of the high-quality shampoo, conditioner, hair treatments, and lotions on hand to sell to your customers. At Professional Salon Concepts, we have a wide selection of high-quality haircare and skincare products from J Beverly Hills, Freyja, and Frama that are sure to delight your stylists and your customers alike. Sign up for a free account and place your order today.
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