Practical Tips for Cutting Kids’ Hair

It’s normal for stylists to specialize in working with either adults or children. But sometimes, you may end up wanting to provide services to a younger demographic even if you tend to only work with adults. When you do, you’ll need to be prepared. Here are a few tips you can use when cutting kids’ hair to help you keep the experience positive both for yourself and your young client.

Prioritize Detangling
Kids move around a lot and all that activity can lead to seriously tangled hair even when they’re sitting in the chair. Before you start working, make sure the child’s hair is tangle-free. If you’re shampooing, you may need to add additional conditioner to keep the strands soft and easy to manage. 

Once you’re cutting, be sure to run your fingers through their hair often and work out any tangles as you go. This will reduce the risk of pulling their hair which can make the experience more comfortable. 

Encourage Parents to Bring Distractions
Even simple haircuts can take more than half an hour to do them right. And the longer those appointments last, the more likely it is that your clients will start to get antsy in the chair. The more they move, the harder it can be to cut their hair with any precision. 

When their parents schedule the appointment, encourage them to bring distractions for their child. This can be anything from a tablet that lets them watch a show or read a book, or a small toy that will encourage them to sit still. These small distractions can help keep the child occupied so you can work quickly. 

Engage With the Child as You Work
Though it’s tempting to let the child entertain themselves the entire time, it can still be helpful to engage with them as you work, especially if they’re feeling nervous about the appointment. Some kids may find it helpful if you talk them through what’s going on and what you’re doing. When kids know what to expect and what you’re doing, they may be more willing to sit still and let you work.

Be Patient
Anytime you’re working with kids, you’ll want to be as patient as possible. Remember, the experience of getting their hair cut by a professional stylist may still be new to them. Even if they’ve been to salons in the past, yours may be unfamiliar which can leave them feeling unsafe or scared. 

Try to be calm, patient, and forgiving when things don’t go as planned. Remember, you can always ask the parents to intervene.

Don’t Let Kids Throw Off Your Groove
Allowing parents to schedule appointments for their kids is a great way to diversify your client list and set yourself apart from other salons in the area. As long as you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be able to handle those appointments with grace and patience.

Just make sure you have the right tools on hand. At Professional Salon Concepts, we have high-quality hair dryers, flat irons, and more that can make it easy to work with all types of hair without causing damage. Sign up for a free account and place your order today.
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