How to Encourage Your Clients to Use Better Hair Care Products

When your clients come to your salon, they’re trusting you to style their hair and give them the advice they deserve. But when they come in with damaged locks, creating those styles can be difficult at best. Often, the damage is caused by the hair care products they’re using at home. Low-quality products don’t just make your job harder—they also make your client’s hair less beautiful than they deserve. Encouraging them to switch to better products can be a great way to help them achieve the look of their dreams. Here’s how to encourage them the right way.

Explain What Their Current Products Are Doing to Their Hair
Often, clients use low-quality products simply because they don’t know how bad they are for their hair. Take the time to educate them about what their current products are doing and how that damage will impact their hair in the long run. Be respectful as you do this. Remember, you’re the expert and it’s entirely likely that they’ve never been told this information before.

Point Out How Salon-Grade Products Can Help
Once your clients understand how their hair care products are impacting their hair, try to show them how salon-grade products can help. Point out the difference in the ingredients and highlight the benefits that each ingredient provides. Explain how different types of product will impact their hair’s health and show how using all of those products together can result in the best look possible.

Explain That Salon-Grade Products Will Last Longer
Low-quality products are so popular partly because they’re extremely affordable. But since they’re not as effective as salon-grade products, your clients often end up using more with each wash, conditioning session, and styling session. Point out that higher quality products let you use less during each treatment. And while they may cost more, they’ll last longer. This can help your clients justify the price increase.

Mention That Prolonged Use of Low-Quality Products Can Make Recovery More Expensive
Saving money is always a priority and if your clients are spending money at your salon only to use low-quality products at home, they’re wasting money. Explain how long-term use of low-quality products can damage their hair and make it harder for you to help their hair recover. Be sure to also mention that the more damaged hair is, the more treatments they’ll need to restore it to health. Point out that this can end up costing them more money in the long run and if they switch to higher quality products, they could end up saving money in the future.

Have the Right Products on Hand
Once you take the time to explain why using salon-grade products is so important, you’ll also need to make sure you have the right products on hand for your clients to buy. If you tell them to order products online, the chances are high that they’ll just keep using the low-grade shampoos they’ve used for years. 

Stock up on high-quality shampoos, conditioners, masks, and styling products from J Beverly Hills today. Register for a free account and make sure your clients have access to the products you know and trust.
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