How to Protect Hair From Heat Damage
There are no two ways about it – styling your hair with heat is one of the most effective ways to change your look. But using heat can damage even the healthiest hair if you’re not careful. As a stylist, you know how to keep your clients’ hair healthy and resistant to damage, but passing that knowledge on to them isn’t always as easy as it should be. Here are a few proven tips you can pass on to your clients to help them protect their hair between visits to your chair.
Use a Hair Mask
Deep conditioning can help strengthen individual strands and makes hair stronger and better prepared to manage the rigors of heat styling. The easiest way for your clients to keep their hair healthy without dramatically increasing the amount of time they have to spend on routine maintenance is to use a hair mask like the
J. Beverly Hills B Masque Treatment.
This mask uses high-quality botanicals to restore health and replenish nutrients. Even better, the mask only needs to stay on the hair for about five minutes, so your clients will be able to use it regularly without disrupting their morning routine.
Use the Lowest Heat Setting Possible
High heat has its place, and the only time it’s safe is when it’s being applied by an experienced stylist. Encourage your clients to use the lowest heat setting possible when they’re styling their hair each day. That low setting will reduce the risk of burning and puts less strain on each strand.
Invest in Quality Tools
Unfortunately, the tools available in big-box stores aren’t always as high-quality as they should be. This often results in fewer heat settings. This gives people less control over the heat exposure every time they use a styling tool. Encourage your clients to invest in quality, salon-grade tools like the J. Beverly Hills Pro Flat Iron, the Pro Curling Iron, or the Pro Dryer. These tools will help your clients style their hair without damaging their healthy strands.
Take a Break From Heat Often
There’s a risk of heat damage no matter what types of tools and products your clients use at home. The only way to ensure that they don’t damage their hair with heat is to have them use alternative styling methods. Encourage your clients to take a break from the heat every once in a while, and let their hair recover. Keep in mind that you may still need to create a recovery plan to help their hair regain its strength and vibrancy.
The Right Tools Can Protect Even Damaged Hair
Keeping your clients’ hair in good condition when so many of them rely on heat to style their hair each morning can be difficult at best. The easiest way to help your clients protect their hair from heat damage is to make sure they have access to the best products and advice possible. Encourage your clients to invest in products like the J. Beverly Hills line and let them experience the quality of those products first-hand in your salon. Sign up for an account today and see the difference that high-quality products can make for your customers’ experience.
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